I sit back and think about what this time has revealed to me, done in me, those sort of things. Honestly, when I look at myself, I can't see how much has changed. I mean, I haven't had any BIG "thus says the Lord" moments, I haven't had any outrageous experiences. So really, what was the purpose of my coming to India?
Well, I think the biggest thing was that God had to get me away and teach me how to competely depend on Him and be ok with the fact that I have no friends to share with, the prayer room is on the other side of the world and I have no access to it. And teach me how to have time with Him in my room, all alone, in the quiet. Oh my goodness, it has been hard. I've struggled and gone a week or 2, at times, without opening my Bible. Yes, I definitely pray, almost all the time, but I can't have a life competely in God without reading His Words. And while I don't feel any huge, drastic change in myself, I have to believe that this all isn't in vain.
Another thing that I've come to begin to grasp, and it's a process, is the fact that I truely am beautiful, but my beauty is in God alone. I have no clue how to be beautiful apart from Him. It all turns out bad when I've tried to do that in the past. So, God has began taking me on a journey of learning what it means to be a young woman who is confident in being a woman! wow, it's been rough and scary. And, once the truth of it started to sink in, I definitely got challenged with believing in it. But God's grace overcomes it all, and hopefully, I'm still learning and growing and not letting it get the best of me.
I'm glad to say, I'll be home in 2 weeks. June 16th to be precise. I'm ready, and longing to be back home. Although, I do know that I will miss all of the kids here terribly!! They are wonderful, fun, talented, loving....I could go on and on. I've sooo enjoyed the priviledge of getting to know and spend time with them over these past 3 months and will miss them.